Poetry is one of the most beautiful forms of writing. Maybe people like reading it while others might not. Even though I've wanted to be a writer since I was 7 years old, poetry has influenced my life greatly as well. I didn’t think I was a poet until I took a creative writing class during my senior year of high school.
Before I started writing poetry, I didn’t understand the point of poetry because I thought poetry was boring and all about rhyming. When I wrote my first poem, I thought it was terrible and it wasn’t until my second poetry assignment, that I finally realized how important poetry could be to me. I didn’t expect to become a poet at all. I assumed I was going to be bad at writing poetry. After I wrote a few poems, I didn’t know there was a poet inside me, but I continued to write and get better. With this new found confidence, I thought I would share my first ever poem.
As far as I can tell,
in a dark hallway,
wondering what’s behind a closed door.
We will be training together
scuffing the floor,
out of place,
challenges like that seem common.
I already feel colder.
The blue light,
at the end,
making glow.
Our numbers
begin to dwindle.
His fingers
brush my neck.
My body tenses.
I follow his words.
My thoughts are going haywire.
Sweaty palms.
Racing heart.
Tightness in my chest.
Dry mouth.
A lump in my throat.
Difficulty breathing.
His eyes are
the last thing I see.
I ended up loving to write poetry as I began to write more, and I ended up writing thirty poems in that year alone. This is when I decided to write books and poems for a living. I enjoy writing poetry because not every poem has to have a rhyme, and not every poem has to be short or long. I still write poetry to this day, but I always have trouble finding inspiration for my poems. But, I know it will come to me when it truly counts, when it truly matters.