If I could be a man for a day;
I'd take a walk after 7:30
and leave my pepper spray behind.
I'd focus only on where I was going,
instead of looking all around for figures in the shadows.
If I could be a man for a day;
I'd wear whatever I wanted,
and never once second guess the skin I'd see when I looked in the mirror.
I wouldn't waste space in my head,
wondering whether a certain shirt made me a target.
If I could be a man for a day;
The call log my cell phone would be hours shorter,
because I wouldn't need to call someone each time I walked home after dark.
My chest wouldn't stiffen with panic each time my battery dipped under 10 percent,
because I wouldn't depend on it for the small semblance of safety it gives me.
If I could be a man for a day;
I'd take a break from worrying about reaching my glass ceiling,
because my degree would mean a little bit more.
I'd look forward to advancing my career
without invisible barriers in my way.
If I could be a man for a day;
I wouldn't have a reason to defend my right to my own body
because the appendage between my legs would be mine instead of everybody else's.
I'd have a say in my own healthcare,
instead of having that say stolen from me by a religion or belief that isn't my own.
If I were a man for a day;
I wouldn't feel the need to prove my struggle to every person who denied it existed,
because I wouldn't feel the many injustices nearly as deep in my stomach.
I would forget for a moment
that the concept that everyone is equal is only for those who choose not to see the inequality.
If I could be a man for a day;
My parents might get a break from their constant worry,
They'd send me back saying "don't party too hard" instead of "don't go out at night alone."
Mom wouldn't send me links about trafficking rings near me,
Dad wouldn't teach me to shove my thumbs into an attackers eyes for a chance to run.
If I could be a man for a day;
I'd quit avoiding eye contact with strangers on the sidewalk,
I'd take a break from making sure to never leave my drink out of sight,
I'd wear whatever I wanted without fear of being reprimanded for "distracting the boys,"
And I'd live my life without wasting thoughts on the unease that comes with having a vagina
In today's America.