Voices always talking Telling you what the truth is,
Making you insecure left out tarnished as just a young kid,
see as a young boy I wondered why everyone did this?
Why does everyone want to deny deny deny when all they really want is a quick compliment for them to feel justified?
Just searching to harp on anything to make them feel better about themselves
when really the only thing that can heal them and unwrap their hearts is if they turn and look toward the upper shelf.
But there are so many clouds and walls we have to fight through to get to that point.
See science, atheists, and social media will do anything to disappoint.
A modern day Christian at so many times can think well is there really him?
Just like me as a boy at 13 years old believing in science and public claims while swindled by pornography and centerfolds.
But we are convinced and find comfort in those things so manipulated by the devil that that is our calling,
To pursue every pleasure as it comes to the door,
Degrading women making them feel like whores.
Calling ourselves Christians not even opening the page of a bible,
Wearing crosses around our necks having sex so unreliable.
Following the wave of the crowd to parties while drinking and smoking dope,
Coming home and crying in your pillow because you still feel alone with no hope.
It looks so cool on Snapchat and Instagram like everybody has a better life than us,
the devil is so powerful don't be fooled by deceit and lust.
Because with strength in The Lord you will walk and not grow weak,
He got down on his knees and washed the feet of the one who sold him in for just bag of coins so cheap.
Life's a constant struggle but at least with him he accepts us.
The devils takes us and says here have all these pleasures and then morally degrades us.
Confuses us, breaks us down, makes us feel alone and left out.
Jesus says love me and then pleasures result.
He does not swindle us with gold trying to sell us out,
He just wants us to remain pure and devote.
See in my journey with god I've struggled as we all have.
Sometimes traveling down a broken road because I think there is light at the end of the tunnel perhaps.
The light at the end of the tunnel is a man made illusion,
The devil fools us and tricks us into this confusion.
He says keep traveling down these broken paths yes maybe you will get what you want.
It forces us to seek seek seek into worldly desires when that is precisely the devil’s biggest flaunt.
But there is an alternate road laid out with the firmest gravel and freshly painted yellow lines that so many people avoid just because they do not see a light at the end.
Visually we do not trust that the light at the end of the road exists, see we only believe if it is written down with a pen.
We do not trust that the road stays firm and sturdy the whole way.
Jesus wants us to take that path even against our dismay.
He wants us to take that path and thank him every chance we can get for giving us the sturdy road underneath our feet.
Although at some points in life it may see unsturdy, if you love god, the path will stretch you all the way across the sea.