I've been in love once or twice but this time I'm not sure what this is
In the moments we've shared I didn't know if it was lust or love
I just know I'm frustrated at the fact I'm left in a trance
Your voice takes me by the heart strings and I begin to dance the way you want me to
Call me your voodoo doll but I've never been one to mess with spirits
Black magic isn't my thing but all of the spells, potions and rituals couldn't explain it
Feelings are mutual I know because I can feel it
I see it in the way you look at me
No vibrations, no frequencies could reveal that to me
Your eyes stuck on me, glued to me
Besides the curves near my waist and my unbearably contagious smile, you're stuck drooling over me
Mentally because I intimidate you
Sexually because I stimulate you
Physically because I love to touch you
And it's sad because you don't even have the heart to say it
I know our shooting star has vanished before we could use it
Time is beyond us, distance is between us and we can't reject it
I'm infected with your bug because I can't help but to be sick of you
Tired of the way I'm confused because I can't explain beyond what my butterflies are whispering to me
I can't explain why somebody so different could mix with me and trap me in a hold that wasn't even with arms but lips
I'm caught up in your blissful whatever this is