In my last semester of my senior year of high school, I wrote this poem to my freshman year self. Looking back on it now, I could use some of my own advice again.
Dear Freshman Kaitlyn,
Congrats! You made it to high school. You have a lot coming for you in the next four years, everything from laughs, to smiles, to tears. So since you have a lot coming for you, I am going to tell you a few things I know to be true.
First of all, there will never be soap in the bathroom, so make sure you always have hand sanitizer with you.
Secondly, your teachers actually want the best for you, and I promise there is a good purpose behind all of the homework you will do.
They say "these will be the best four years of your life!" You will quickly find out that for you, this is a lie. You will have your mountain-top moments, and your valleys, but they are nothing you can't cure with a taco or donut.
Freshman year you will think you have found yourself, but all you have found is someone you want to be, not your authentic self. Luckily, you will meet your very best friend, your "person," a friendship you hope will never end.
As a sophomore, you will have a lot of fun, and do some of the greatest things you have ever done. Hold tight to your friends, because you will see far too many friendships end.
Junior year - oh boy. The year of the tears. Your "person" will become quite distant. But don't worry, it's more than okay to miss them. Work will drain you day by day "Would you like any crazy bread today?". You will take yourself and everything else far too seriously It will feel like you are trapped, left with no room to breathe. You will listen to the lie "you are not good enough" over and over until you have had enough and decide to stand up for who you are, which is beautiful. Yes, you are.
Senior year. Finally, the finish line. Nothing but graduation and college on your mind. It's a season of hurt, pain, joy, and change. You will discover who your real friends are, oh, and you'll probably wreck your car. But most importantly you can take a step back and congratulate yourself for all you have done, because looking at all of your experiences, high school wasn't the best one. You will finish strong academically and finally be ready for the University of Tennessee. You will cry a few tears when it's time to put on the cap and gown and say goodbye to this small town.
Dear Freshman Kaitlyn,
Don't be afraid. Tackle life day by day. Enjoy every moment, because high school will be over before you know it,