I don’t dream for you but I live for you each and every day.
You are in everything I do and part of my every way.
Your expressions even past your death are mirrored in my face.
I hear your words in mine and in everything I say.
You taught me how to find my peace and taught me how to live.
You gave me all your empathy and taught me how to give.
You took me out in nature, we walked off the beaten path.
You taught me the way of those before us, and even how to track.
You instilled in me the value of many forgotten skill.
You reminded me that life was precious at each and every meal.
We harvested our bounties, and we reaped what we have sewn.
You showed me whats important and how to question the unknown.
I know that you are with me whenever I’m in the woods.
I know that you will guide me as every father should.
I know that you are living, so deeply in my heart.
That no matter what I do you’ll always be a part.
I miss you so very dearly and nothing feels the same.
I hope you know how loved you where – so much local fame.
Daddy, your resting peacefully with the great spirit in the sky.
Our native blood will never rest, I’ll miss you till I die.
CC JTHM 2016