You laid there, on the edge
of a football practice field,
staring up into the night sky.
I didn’t approach you,
I had been there before,
grass piercing my neck
contemplating God-knows.
Perhaps your career,
studies, family matters,
but more than likely a girl:
abuser, cheater, uninterested,
or one you haven’t yet met.
Worried she’ll ruin you too,
like the others, twisting your
road like tree roots marauding
a brick path, as the headlights
from beat up Saturn sedans bumping
reggae pass by the pine pillars.
I let you be alone, hidden
by the shade of the chalkboard
sky above, staring off into Polaris,
a foggy bright speck, your only
company a leaf so wet from the dew
it has collected over time laying there
with all the other stargazers on campus.
— Alex Hawkins