Love…is exhausting
It’s like an alien
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Hijacking your body
It slithers up your spine
Going seemingly unnoticed
Until it locks in its poisonous tentacles
shutting down your good sense
And turning you into
Cupid’s mindless play thing
Walking defenselessly into pretty words
And equally brain washed promises
Not knowing if anything is real
Until you’re in so deep
That if it is fake
Then ripping off the Band-Aid
Will feel like ripping off
A thick layer of flesh
leaving you with a deep scar
And a constant internal lecture
About how things should
Or shouldn’t have happened
Trying to rationalize your choices,
But just finally coming to the conclusion
That either you’re stupid
Or they’re stupid,
But really you’re both kind of stupid
On rare occasions love is real
You’re blessed when you awake
From your trance to find
That love still floating there
In the middle of your chest
Not your heart
But that unseen no man’s land
That could perhaps be your soul
Or your sternum
Or maybe it’s cancer
An incurable too late
Kind of cancer
That’s a part of you now
And you can be sure
That you’ll die with it
But it’s okay because
It’s love and it’s real
This person beside you
Reached into the very core
Of your body
And ripped the alien
From its freaky brain washing quest
And told cupid to go fly into the sun
Because that’s not real love
Pretty words and silly promises
Real love is dealing with things
It’s not trying to make the scars go away
Or cushion the blow of every
Heart breaking memory
It’s not some stupid contract
A deed to my endless devotion
A quick handshake
Love cannot be
Brought down to the definition of “like”
Love is precious
Love is patient
Love is kind and understanding
Love is having the capacity and willingness
To carry each other’s baggage
And walk the journey together
One heavy step at a time
And maybe drop a few stones along the way
But never expecting more than all the other can give
Just being together
Breathing the same air
Crying a little
Laughing a lot
Taking life in slowly
And falling down
Way, way down
Into each other
Into a wonderland for two
And never climbing out again
Because if you’re really in love
Then you’ll have nothing
Better worth going back to