Roses are red and violets are blue,
I haven't slept since about week two.
I think I'm dying, or maybe getting sick,
Either way, I just hope it happens quick.
My laundry and assignments are piling up,
I don't know which to start first.
Why can I only find one sock?
Ugh, this is the worst.
"Maybe I should just drop out,"
I think to myself at least three times a day.
I just really miss my cat,
What can I say?
This week is never ending,
The weekend must be close.
PSYCH! It's only Tuesday.
I am literally so done.
Wasn't this whole college thing supposed to be fun?
I try to get at least eight hours of sleep at night,
And usually I do.
Except on Thirsty Thursdays,
Oh what a delight!
It's not that I go out,
No, that's not really my thing.
But it's very hard to sleep at night,
With people in the hallway who love to scream and shout.
Now I've lost my train of thought,
I had something to say.
I guess I should just stop here,
Call it a day.
There are definitely lots of things I should be doing,
Assignments or whatever.
Or I could just stay in bed and binge on Netflix,
Yes, that sounds so much better.
Well now that I've sufficiently procrastinated,
I should probably get back to work.
There's always something I should be doing,
Reality is such a jerk.
I'm pretty sure this stress is aging me,
Is it really worth it?
Sometimes I think not.
But then I look into my wallet, at the two dollars I have left.
"Yeah," I say with a sigh, "That's what I thought."
Okay, time to focus,
Now I mean it for real.
I need to find that other sock,
And maybe have a cup of tea.
Man, this college life is crazy,
Please #prayforme