Sand blister feet shuffle through desert hills, sun glares upon fabric garbed head,
Watch as child camels along, hands grabbing dried earth, to rain down,
Earth colored village surfaces, opening up to sun stained skin,
Squeeze through people packed path, stands of small value to skim through,
A scarlet fruit plucked from wood, water washed barren lands,
Wall bounces core to ground, heels race to center,
Two guards firmly near gate, swords in calloused hands,
Dried tree lifts to wall, dead branches, forgotten land,
Light of reflected sun, greets wary feet to end,
Pyramid of glass up to sun, shown is pure white,
Trail of voices find center, search garbed headed child,
Bury body in sand, the hands, dig frantically,
Rough touches skin, eyes closed to embrace,
Hours in scorch grave, weak body awakens,
Sun is grasped at, tiny hands free head,
Crawl knees to glass, opening welcomes, the searching,
White marble reveals adult, long hair free,
Colors offered space, people from rainbow wander,
Laughter echo off ceiling, bright like day,
High value line sides, eyes are attracted,
Scarf of desert in window, plastic colorless neck is decorated,
Ornamented tree passed, grown hands find scarf,
Boots slow to register, paper exchanged with bag,
Pace pine halls of merry, beautiful lights are viewed,
Singing drifts down, the angels are caroling,
Pass line of children, waiting to see red man,
Smell of holiday, feet move forward,
Cinnamon scent followed, open to varied food,
Snacks in salt and sugar, displayed to buy,
Cup in hand, steamed cider, warms chilled mouth,
Eyes linger on coal door, hallway end hides,
Slowly frosted knob turns, blackness swallows body.
Lights dim, aged brick walls, dirtied flat carpet,
Narrow corridor wanders, oak doors blur voices,
Blasts ring tone music, pink frilled frame,
Welcome to the place, white board message read,
Things smash five steps after, horsing around laughter,
Covered with team banner, door of football stickers,
Carry on the feet, teenager comes to sunset deserts,
Knobs turns from keys, moon silhouetted room,
Basket harvested apples, glare from table top,
Grandma's chair catches backpack, against wood clunk shoes,
Steps slow to bedroom door, cotton exchanged for silk,
Night reflected sheets lay, flash headlight pattern on ceiling,
Flutter to darkness the eyes, fall soul to body,
Into place the world sets, jerk awake the mind.