I have anxiety. Actually, I have generalized anxiety disorder, but most people know what anxiety is because everyone gets anxiety, right? Yes, of course, but imagine that feeling that you get but times ten stronger. And constant. That’s what it's like to have generalized anxiety disorder. Not many people understand when I tell them this, and it’s hard to explain. How do explain a feeling that makes you afraid to do anything? How do you explain thoughts that don’t make sense and clearly aren’t true? How do you explain an anxiety attack when it all happens in your head?
When writing this poem, I tried my best to explain how anxiety feels and how it takes over your world. I hope that those who feel the same way I do will find comfort in having a way to explain it to others. I also hope that even if you don’t have anxiety, that you take a chance to read this so you can better understand what someone might be going through.
A Classic Roller Coaster
When people would explain how they feel
They would say it’s like a roller coaster
I never understood how something so fun
Could be used as a comparison to something so hard
But that’s what I am on right now, the classic roller coaster
I understand how it feels to be up one second
And to be spiraling down the next
Waiting, hoping to go back up
I used to think the drops were the fun part of rides
I used to love that feeling you got in your stomach
Now that feeling doesn’t leave
It fills my body with pain, chokes me until I can’t breath
All the while I’m continuing to go down
A seemingly endless drop with no sight of the end
No sight of a bottom, I just know it must be coming
Never knowing if I am going to crash, or be pulled up again
The harness holds me down, traps me to my doom
No chance of escape, no one to help
I am on this roller coaster alone
My screams are the only ones you can hear
My screams don’t keep out the voices in my head
The thoughts are the worst part
Continuously building on one another
Suffocating me through words
Just like I can’t pause the ride, I can’t pause my thoughts
They form on their own, coming from the darkest parts
Coming from under the tracks,
From the sparks of the wheels on the rails
The sparks burn my mind, degrading my world
Telling me things I know are not true
But I can’t help but believe
When there is no one there to tell me they’re not
I get lost in these thoughts
The straight path of the tracks gets confusing, twisted
Turning at odd angles, jerking me around
My mind is jumbled; the thoughts are not making sense
“You should be better.”
“You shouldn’t be crying.”
All of these 'shoulds' adding to my screams
Convincing me that I am worthless, broken
When I am up, I can look back and disagree
But when I am descending into my miserable mind
I believe everything the voices say
All of my thoughts are true, making returning to the high point seem impossible
The roller coaster is going faster now
The sharp turns and sudden drops are getting dangerous
I need to get off, or at least stay up
But I can’t anymore, and I’m scared
I haven’t been afraid of roller coasters since I was little
But when it is one like this
So unpredictable and fast changing
I can’t help the terror that is building inside of me
When will it stop?
When will the classic roller coaster ride
that so perfectly describes my life end?
Soon I hope, I don’t know how much longer I can ride it.