First off, before I begin going into what this article is supposed to be about, I want you to understand something. I want you to understand that Pocatello has a lot of great and amazing things to offer, so I should not have titled this article "Pocatello Sucks." However, this article got its title from the perspective of the many people that live out here and constantly say that they wish they were somewhere else. I'm no expert on defining whether a city sucks or not, however, I think it is safe to assume that if many people are constantly saying that they would rather be somewhere else, the place that they are trying to get away from probably sucks. This same concept applies to relationships, but I will write about that later.
Now, I will begin.
Since the title of this article got the privilege to come from the perspective of other people, I think it is only fair that the rest of this article comes from my personal opinion. I hope that I am heavily criticized for this perspective later at some point in my life because then at least I would know that there are people out there that actually do love Pocatello–because everything deserves to be loved. Yes, even Pocatello.
I know I said this before, but now I will begin.
Pocatello sucks for a million reasons–yes, I counted–but I will only focus on one reason: Its inability to change. Pocatello has been the same since I got out here about three years ago. Actually, wait, I think they built a couple of restaurants and I am sure new students have come out here to attend Idaho State University since then, so Pocatello has changed a little. More ways for people to intake calories with the addition of some new faces to look at. Wow, thinking about it now, Pocatello is going in an amazing direction: Nowhere.
Adding new restaurants is great because it creates more jobs, don't get me wrong, but when restaurant jobs are the only new jobs being created, what does that mean for the future of Pocatello? When people think about coming to Pocatello to attend Idaho State University to educate themselves, that is great (a very short term change to Pocatello), but there is nothing great that makes people want to stay in Pocatello. Again, meaning that Pocatello sucks. In order for Pocatello not to suck, it must change. In order for Pocatello to change, the people that come here and are already here must want to stay long term. In order for the people to want to stay long term, I believe that there must be more opportunity. Whatever more opportunity means to you, so be it, but there must be more.
I hope that one day the majority of people in Pocatello actually say, "I never want to leave Pocatello."