After 5 years of waiting, Pink’s new album, Beautiful Trauma, was finally released. I was so excited for this album since her speech she offered upon being given the Video Vanguard Award at the MTV Video Music Awards. Overall, this album (being her seventh) is full of amazing vocals and includes a handful of songs you can vibe with.
‘Whatever You Want’ gives a more vintage Pink sound, something that I think we have all missed since her old music. It reminds me of ‘F**kin’ Perfect’, one of my favorite Pink anthems.
Next, I think ‘Revenge’ is a song that has so much potential to climb the charts. Not only does it feature Eminem, the beat is great and it has some comedic factors in it (listen so you get what I’m saying about this one). Lastly, the gospel filled song ‘I Am Here’ is definitely something different from Pink and I was interested in hearing something diverse in Beautiful Trauma.
The finale of the album, ‘You Get My Love’, is based on a story (FYI I love a song that tells a good story…) and you can hear her emotions in a raw and vulnerable way. It is truly a beautiful song, with her belting the entire chorus, and pulls this whole album together.
Although I have yet to see any individual songs off this album climb the charts (other then 'What About Us'), the album itself is still #1 on iTunes and 'What About Us' is still lingering towards the top of the singles chart. Also, watch out for her newly released tour- the Beautiful Trauma World Tour 2018. Her concerts are always insane, intricate, and a guaranteed good time. I really enjoyed this heart-filled album. It includes a more vulnerable side of Pink that definitely deserves a listen.