I am not the most positive person. I am sometimes pretty negative, but I am aware of the problem so that it makes it a little better, right? If you play a sport, play an instrument, go to school, really anything, your mind influences your actions. Especially in soccer, staying and being positive is an essential role for playing a successful game. If you miss a shot or give up a pass, it is hard not to dwell in the negativity of messing up.
To me, positive mental attitude is the number one most important survival skill because
1. If you were stuck on a desert island, naked and afraid, if you sit around and mope fall day you are just going to end up dying.
2. Being positive can impact your perspective on life, and finally,
3. In this day and age, it helps keep you motivated.
Here are easy ways to wake up in the morning and start your day on a positive note:
-Get a good night sleep
-Practice mindfulness
-Repeat a mantra to yourself throughout the day (examples: breathe in breathe out; stay positive; it's OK; life is good)
-Keep your life in perspective
-Understand that if you think negatively that
a. Projects on other people, and
b. Will make you react more negatively
-It is not the end of the world
-write "PMA" (positive mental attitude) on your hand to remind yourself to keep positive
-Live in the moment
-Try to be more enthusiastic
-Self coaching (coach yourself positively through hard situations)
- Exercise
-Self love (give yourself slack if something does not go your way)
-Take chances
-Go on a walk in nature
-Read a book
-Clear your mind healthily
-Stop bad habits
-Do not take life so seriously
All of the above tips can be easy fixes throughout your day. When I am having a hard day, I take a deep breath and look at my watch, which has "PMA" (positive mental attitude) written in Sharpie on the inside flap, and remember that if I think more positively the day will get better. If I go throughout my day, not being mindful and positive, I will have a bad day than if I was thinking positively.
For example, if I was going to take a final in my math class and I kept repeating to myself how I was going to fail, what do you think I would do? If I went into that final thinking and acting negatively, I would not have the confidence to answer the questions correctly.
Lastly, it is just important to not dwell on the small things in life. It is not healthy to keep acting negatively if something goes wrong. If you think I am kidding, try it. Try repeating "PMA" in your head and see how your day goes.
PMA all the way!
Here is a video that describes "PMA" more in depth: