Why Plus-Sized Models Aren't Actually So Plus-Sized | The Odyssey Online
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Why Plus-Sized Models Aren't Actually So Plus-Sized

The end of body shaming needs to start with one person. Not the media, not celebrities... with you.

Why Plus-Sized Models Aren't Actually So Plus-Sized

Let's face it, we're a culture obsessed with weight. And without a doubt, the message being sent to young men and women everything is that when it comes to the number on the scale, less is more.

But, in my opinion, this message is too exploited. Anti-body-shaming articles have flooded the web, and many documentaries have been released about the "thin-ideal," lecturing young adults to ignore model and the media. Over and over again it is stressed that magazines, fashion shows, and too-thin celebrities are the problem. I think this is wrong.

It's time we stopped hating on the models that are so thin... the ones apparently creating the "thin ideal." It's time we stopped criticizing celebrities when they lose "too much" weight, or when a happy, fit woman gets publicly demolished on social media for posting a picture in a sports bra. "She doesn't eat," "She looks scary," "Anorexic" the comments read. It's time we just stopped HATING.

Instead of being so down on the long-legged, tall and thin models, why don't we start appreciating the plus-sized ones? (Who are actually, normal-sized).

What sparked my interest was a common feminine past time: online shopping. My friend was looking at numerous online websites for a dress when she came across the plus-sized section. Shocked, she showed us all the "plus-sized" models on the website.

So why are we so down on the thin models, when really, WE are the problem? What needs to be discussed is the underlying (yet extremely significant) factor of genetics.

A model that looks like this: (healthy, beautiful, and in shape, etc.)

Cannot genetically be compared to a model who looks like this: (Also, healthy, beautiful... but with a smaller bone structure).

What needs to be addressed is that WE are the problem. Calling plus-sized women "big" is the problem--not looking at the Victoria's Secret models. The sooner that we, as a society, start embracing our curves and not body-shaming each other, is the moment when women start finally feeling happy in their own skin. And more importantly, women hopefully will then stop trying to constantly be smaller.

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. So, the next time you look in the mirror, don't compare yourself to a 00-sized model... OR to a categorically described "plus-sized" model. Compare yourself to you, because genetically, you are one-of-a-kind.

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