Call them what you will; plus sized, overweight, or fat. It obviously doesn't phase them, but rather it empowers them. But what I cannot understand is the constant need to point out that these models are a different size than others you may see on the runways of New York Fashion Week. Sure they can't be snapped in half like a twig, but that doesn't mean they are any less beautiful, powerful, or inspiring. If anything, they are probably more inspirational than any other models out there.
In today's society, it seems that even the sight of a stretch mark is unbearable to look at. But some companies are seeming to embrace these flaws in an attempt to show people that these bodies are normal and there is nothing wrong with them. Because of how women and models are seen in society, it took a while for some people to even realize that plus size modeling is an actual thing and not only is it a thing, but it is also growing in popularity. Target is one of the more recent brands to use plus size models in their newest swimsuit campaign and right when the pictures came out people spoke out in opposition, as well as appreciation.
Recently Target featured four women of differing body types and who all have a high social media following to promote their swim line and their new aim at creating body positivity. Personally, I think this is a great idea. What Target has done could possibly revolutionize the way younger people view others and their own bodies. If they see more plus size models, both male and female, modeling for companies that they frequent, such as Target, there is a chance that they will feel less ashamed if they are overweight themselves. However, others will look at this campaign from a different point of view, and that is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But why are we letting the words of internet trolls getting us down in the first place?
Kids used to say that sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. But as we grow, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I say we should all go back to having the mentality of kids when it comes to this subject. Why are we letting people who love to hide behind their computers get to us? I say no more! For the longest time society has told us how we should look like models, and society is finally evolving and realizing that not everyone can or wants to look like the models we used to see. Plus size models are here to stay. These women are strong, confident and proud. And that is beautiful.