Plus size models should not be a thing. I’m sorry but someone had to say it. These women are beautiful but are they healthy? Now a days you see women advocating and commenting on pictures of women who are “plus size models,” saying that they represent true beauty and that that gives young girls an accurate view of “true woman hood.”
I’m sorry but the only thing I see, and what young girls will see is how unhealthy our view of beauty is. Has being obese and overweight become a trend? If so, count me out. Women come in all shapes and sizes, but lets not ignore science and modern medicine, which clearly proves that with being overweight comes with many health complications. Now I am not advocating for the Negative 0 sized models because being that skinny is not healthy, but why are we glorifying being obese? These women are absolutely beautiful, but they are not healthy.
Women come in all shapes and sizes. Curvy is curvy but being 100 lbs over weight isn’t curvy, it’s a health risk. We need to be teaching young girls to be beautiful and feel beautiful, bas well as being healthy. According to the CDC Obesity-related-conditions include heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and some creating causes of preventable death. Is this what you want to teach your kids? I’m sorry but that is not what our society should advocate for.
Our society glorifies being over weight. Oh you don’t agree? Why are cheeseburgers and fries, half the price of a salad? Why are there shows all over TV about being over 600 lbs? Why are there shows about someone’s “Big Fat Life”?
If you haven’t tuned in these shoes show the hardships like getting in and out of a car as well as how hard it is to get off a couch, or even take a shower as a 600 lbs person.
There are plenty of women who are curvy and doing it right. Some of these women have had babies gained and lost dramatic weight, gone on world wide tours and yet somehow keeping there body healthy. You’ve got Kate Upton, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, and Sophia Vergara. All of these women have different body shapes yet they are so beautiful. I believe these women have represented a womanly body better than anyone else.