I am not big into politics whatsoever. I usually don’t know much about candidates’ platforms, nor do I spend time researching unless I have to for a school assignment. I don’t know really anything about the third parties that have stuck around for all these years, and it is difficult for me to understand the Iowa Caucus and primary election processes. I just know that on November 8th, I will be voting in my first general election for the 45th President of the United States, and I am saying that it is most important as an American citizen to exercise your right to vote this year.
I don’t really associate myself with any political party. I have just decided that I will vote for who I believe is the most capable of doing what’s best for our country. I want a president who reaches out to all races, all genders, all religions, and all classes of American people. I want a president who has had previous political experience who knows how to successfully work with the system that we call the American government. I want someone who has an agenda to bring this country to its full potential and glory, someone who fully embodies respect, honor, integrity, and leadership. I want a president that is empathetic and compassionate, someone who truly cares about the betterment of this nation and its people. Now will I agree with him/her on all of their platforms? Of course not. And I definitely do not believe that this is a particularly good election, although it is truly riveting. I am honestly disappointed that this is the first time I will be able to vote in my life, but I do think that this is an IMPORTANT election and that it is crucial that you don’t throw your vote away just because you dislike both the candidates.
Both of these candidates have their flaws and mistakes printed on their backs; I don’t need to write those out to you because that is all everyone talks about. The reason they’re voting for Trump is because they loathe Hillary Clinton so much for her oligopolistic endeavors and her past email scams. The reason they’re voting for Hillary is because Trump takes advantage of small business, he has no political experience, and he is not a respectable human being. While it is obvious that we need to be wary of these two individuals for certain reasons, we can’t put on blinders and focus just on the negatives. We have to look at their service records and work experience, their resumes, their ideals and values, and their ability to work with others and treat people with respect and dignity. At this point in time, we are not looking for a star-studded president that fits the bill in every way, shape, and form. We are voting for a candidate that we believe will do the best job in running this country for the next four years, despite their past mistakes.
For me, deciding between these two candidates was a no-brainer. I never had any trouble figuring out who would better fulfill the role as President of the United States of America. Now it is your turn to decide who you think is the more experienced, more dutiful, and more qualified candidate. Don’t rely on your political party associations to make that decision for you. Use your common sense and keep true to your values. And one final thing I ask of you: DO NOT throw away your vote to a third party unless you have stood behind their platform this entire time. Just because you dislike both the Democratic and Republic candidates does not mean you should refuse to vote or give a third party candidate that protest vote. If enough people vote for third parties, that STILL won’t change the dominating two-party system, but it WILL tilt the numbers in favor of a presidential candidate who truly does not understand what it means to be President of the United States.