The past couple of days I've noticed quite a few more people than usual haven't been utilizing this magic button inside their car devices, their blinkers.
Please, turn on your fucking blinker.
When you're making a turn,
When you're in the bathtub,
When you're at an intersection,
When you're making a pizza,
When you're on a boat,
Just please, turn on your fucking blinker.
Blinkers are important, because they allow the person behind you to know which direction you're going!
Get this!
Bikers need to turn on their fucking blinker too! Oop, I mean, use hand signals. You get what I mean.
So if you're on a bike,
if you're in a car,
if you're making a turn,
Just please turn on your fucking blinker.
I know, I'm being funny here, or trying at least. But blinkers are cool and stop potential collisions, so don't be a stinker turn on your blinker!
Thanks for reading!!