Please Start Obsessing Over TGBBS | The Odyssey Online
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Please Start Obsessing Over TGBBS

It will seriously be the best thing you do for yourself today.

Please Start Obsessing Over TGBBS

I have a new obsession. And it isn't a new zombie series or hit drama. I don't think I've ever heard a single vulgar word, not once, in the entire first season that I have watched.

But there's action, drama, and even jokes that appeal to adults. But never a foul word or cruel joke; no over-specialization of women or violence.

It's "The Great British Baking Show," a series I recently discovered on Netflix (of course). It's a contest in which British bakers face off against each other in these crazy hard baking challenges that barely causes them a sweat.

I can barely bake the cookies that come in the precut packages. I don't own a single recipe for any baked goods. And these complete and total strangers just gather in a kitchen and whip up these incredibly bright and imaginative creations. They're really works of art and the sheer delicate approach they all take in creating something mgnificient blows my mind.

It's insane.

And the way these people support each other warms my heart in a way I cannot fairly express. It's endearing and that, combined with the wholesome nature of the show, makes it a marvelous experience to watch.

The news sucks, every day is a net set of horrible titles and tragedies against humanity. And this show is a lovely distraction that allows for a good bit of relaxation and withdrawal from those real world horrors.

Do yourself a favor - spend your spare time watching "The Great British Baking Show." It'll be worth the pains of dealing with yet another obsession.

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