Self-love is an issue that we all struggle with on and off throughout our lives. The media always portrays the idea of the "perfect body" with headlines that claim to define "what men really look for in a woman" or "the perfect bikini body" or "how to get a Cosmo-worthy butt." With all these ideas thrown at us, it's no wonder that we are a society infatuated with physical perfection. This type of propaganda is thrown at us from the moment we are able to understand that our bodies are different from one another's.
These ideas cause men and women as young as nine years old to start looking at their bodies with hatred or sadness. These destroyed body images give rise to mass amounts of eating disorders, unhealthy diets, and quests for the word's most perfect body. This has become so prevalent in our world today that it seems as though it has become an epidemic. If you turn on the television every other commercial is a new type of weight loss program or diet or cleanse. We are literally unable to escape this idea that we are never good enough.
I think one of the biggest self-inflicted weaknesses that we have as a society is that we are always striving to look physically flawless at any cost. We are so quick to define ourselves by our physical appearance that we forget other traits about ourselves, the traits that actually make us beautiful. We are so quick to decide that since we do not have a flat tummy or toned arms or a thigh gap or a nice butt or whatever society says we are supposed to have that we are not worth it.
In order to feel like we are physically flawless we often seek validation from others whether it be a boyfriend or girlfriend or some stranger walking down the street. We are so obsessed with other people thinking that we look good that we often forget to look and feel good for ourselves. That may be because we live in a world in which self-love is seen as arrogance but the acceptance of others is seen as necessary.
I am here to say that I am sick of this. I have never been petite. I have curves and rolls and jiggle, and I think that that is absolutely OK. I know other women who are very slim and petite. That is absolutely OK. I know women who fall everywhere on the spectrum, and that is absolutely OK. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, it is okay. Why? It's because your body does not define your worth, how beautiful you are, or you in general.
When you learn to love yourself for the way you are the right people will too. Self-love is a powerful force. It has the ability to inspire others. It has the ability to cause real change in the way that you see the world and the way that the world sees you. I am here to say that you are beautiful just the way you are. I am beautiful just the way I am. Nobody can take that away from us.