I will admit that while we were growing up, I was jealous of the other girls that had little sisters. They got to practice makeup together and borrow clothes. They shared similar interests and had an amazing bond. I, however, grew up with a little brother. He was interested in trucks and wrestling and things I didn't appreciate. Throughout the years, I've realized just how lucky I am to have a little brother, so here's my way of showing just how much I care!
To my little brother,
You're not so little anymore. We've grown up together and you've taught me so much. You taught me how to share, how to lead, and you've given me a competitive edge. You toughened me up pretty early. You taught me how to fight tooth and nail for the things that I want. Truthfully, I think our constant bickering brought us closer together. I really do appreciate you for showing me to never back down.
We definitely used to annoy each other, what siblings don't? I think that taught us both some patience. If it wasn't you annoying me then it was always the other way around. We taught each other forgiveness and the importance of giving people second chances.
Thank you for being there for me in ways that no one else could. You're never afraid to be honest and blunt with me.
I can't imagine what my life would be without you and it's so incredible to watch you grow into the young man that you are. You have grown to be so kind and understanding. You have matured so much and i'm so proud of all that you do.
Please continue to annoy me. Don't ever stop fighting with me. Keep on making me a better person. I hope that I can do the same for you.
Thank you for being my little brother. Thank you for being my friend.