There comes a point in your toxic relationship where you start to question everything. You wonder if this is all worth it and you wonder if you want to keep trying to make things work, but the answer is right there in front of you: no. If your relationship is toxic, then no, it is not worth it; no you don't have to try to make things work anymore. Why continue to put yourself through hell for someone who isn't worth all that unnecessary trouble? You can do better, you will do better.
Stop settling for the lousy humans who don't treat you the way you deserve to treated. You deserve someone who is going to throw a lasso around the moon to give to you, not someone who is going to make you upset every day. There is a human out there for you who is going to bring you so much joy and happiness that there is no point settling for someone who isn't going to do that for you. Your life is too important to not enjoy every second of it and someone who drags you down doesn't belong there.
Don't settle for anyone who makes you feel less about yourself. Don't settle for anyone who is going to make you question the type of person you are. Don't settle for anyone who is trying to change you or the life that you are living. Don't settle for someone who doesn't want to do any of your favorite things. Don't settle for someone who doesn't bring a smile to your face when you see them after a long day.
You need to realize your worth and let go of anything that is holding you back. There is a human out there for you who is going to be perfect and the human for you, stop settling for someone who makes you feel like hot garbage. Start focusing on yourself and what is going to be the best for you. It's not worth it to be miserable in any relationship or in anything that you're doing, so it's time for you to move on. Don't settle for anything or anyone less than you deserve.