Growing up, you are called "cute." I was a dancer and chubby, so it was something I was familiar with. As I got older, I was told that "cute" wasn’t really a good thing. If you sang "cute," that was just a nice way of saying you sang like you were a little kid. So I started to see that "cute" wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
I often find myself ranting about how I dislike the being called cute. It's nothing against the person saying it, because I know that most of the time it's my friends or family and they are just being nice. However I still just don't care for it.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love compliments as much as the next person but this is one of those ones that makes you question everything. In some situations I can see where being called it is a good and appropriate thing. But constantly being called cute can start to lower your self-esteem. It is like: am I cute as in you thing I look like a little child or cute as in dang, you are something special? You know what's cute? Puppies, babies, etc., are cute. I am none of those.
There are so many other words that can be used to describe a person that, when you are an adult, cute just doesn’t cut it. You are so much more than cute. As a human being, you have so many more attributes to society besides superficial things such as beauty. Now if I look good, I want to know but don’t go saying things like “Wow, you look good today!” That makes it seem like I don’t any other day. Humans are complicated, and I feel we should be recognized for what we are.
Compliments are no longer a compliment if they they are not genuine. People will say things with good intentions but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed sometimes how fake they can sound. I used to get made fun of and eventually compliments just started to sound empty. I didn’t believe what people were saying.
Now that I’m older, I don’t focus on what people think of me because I’m my own person. Even still, I have my own insecurities just like everyone else. So next time you go to call someone "cute" think about everything else they have to offer. You can call them it, but there are so many other descriptive words so maybe try one of those. Sometimes we all just want to hear that we are a little more. We are creative, successful, unique, smart, beautiful, or all of the above.We are worth so much more than what people say about us.
People need to hear how you really feel about them and cute is just too simple. Humans are so much more than that. With all that hate in the world it's time we start spreading more love and telling people what they are really worth.