Before you start judging yourself please remember that you're not the only one to go through this. I'm only 20 but I've probably spent most of my years doing this without even knowing.
Maybe you're in the same situation?
Take the Quiz and find out!
Do you tend to not take risks with your fashion or with relationships?
GiphyThis is a very surface-level example but it could be used to practice taking risks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Personally, this was one of the first things that one of my friends brought to my attention in high school about not taking risks and it really got me started in exercising taking more risks in life! Plus it was fun to start taking more risks with my fashion and hair!
Do you avoid putting yourself "out there" to pursue the things you REALLY want?
GiphyDo you avoid making any waves or too many changes?
GiphyDo you avoid changing traditions to avoid backlash/uproar?
GiphyDo you stray away from appearing different?
GiphyDo you find yourself following the crowd outside of your normal behavior?
GiphyDo you stick to what is expected of you or what works for you?
GiphyDo you shy away from pursuing the role of a leader?
GiphyDoes the accountability of being a leader intimidate you?
Scared Kermit The Frog GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphyI hope you can relate because then we have 9 things in common!
I encourage you to write a list of things you would do if you weren't afraid!
Write WHY you do the questions that you said 'yes' to and jot down some ideas to combat you getting in your own way!