Playing a college sport is not for everyone- it certainly wasn't for me. I played softball my freshman year before transferring to the University of Toledo and I don't regret my decision of transferring.
For those of you that have not played a college sport, it is really hard work. The workouts are exhausting, you practice in the morning, have an afternoon conditioning and an evening lift. You are constantly going to class sweaty and in your practice clothes because you didn't have time to change since you had to choose between eating or showering and eating usually was the winner. You have to do your studying and homework on a bus. Sometimes you won't get back until two a.m. after playing a double header and you have an eight a.m. class the next day that you better attend because if you don't, your coach will find out and you will have to run- plus your teammates for you missing class.
Is any of that worth it? For many, yes, because they truly love the sport they are playing. For me it was a different story. I lost the love for the game right away. It was not worth it to me- I knew I wasn't going to play for the USA team and at that time, softball wasn't in the olympics so there was no realistic end goal for me to reach. I knew I could be more productive with my college career by hanging up my cleats; I am glad I did.
After I transferred, I joined clubs on campus that have helped me grow as a business woman that I would not have been able to do while I was playing softball. I have gotten an internship to help me get one step closer to finding a job after college. Personally, being employed after school is more important that playing a sport that I was miserable playing.
Maybe for you, you still want to play your sport but don't like the college you're at. You can transfer and still play your sport. Maybe you don't want to play anymore but love your school, it's okay to quit- your coaches are constantly on the lookout for new recruits so in reality it is not a big deal if you stop playing. Maybe you don't want to play anymore and can't stand your college, it's okay to transfer.
For me, I stopped playing for the little girl that fell in love with the sport and was only playing for my parents and coaches. Once it gets to that point, it's not worth it anymore because you are not going to be enjoying your college career, trust me, I know from experience.