I find it crazy how men ridicule women for reciprocating their behavior. Us ladies, well, we follow your lead. So if you're chilling, then so am I. 9 times out of 10 it's the guy that switches up first. This ratio is coming from personal experience, so I can't speak for everyone. However, I feel this is the case for many women. Still, we get labeled "crazy" and men get called "players." I think it's time we become players too.
Once a guy catches feelings, he expects us to remain the same. Basically one-sided dating. You're dating him but he's not dating you. He has freedom and you have restrictions. A man will literally fuss over the smallest thing just to test you. See how much you care and react to certain things. That's called MANIPULATION! Men are naturals at mind games. You can't spell manipulation without "man."
Humans are territorial over anything we believe belongs to us, both men and women. Some of us are vocal about these possessive feelings. While others are spectators, watching while making mental notes. Based on my dating experiences men always reacts with emotion first. Questioning me about any guy I interact with. Once that happens, I start to think "aw, he must really like me." Wrong! He's just being a man. If you two are dating he thinks you're his. As much as we like to say traditional roles no longer exist, they do. Men protect and provide, that behavior is embodied in their DNA. So asking about other guys is just his territorial testosterone-driven way of making sure no one is touching his property. Yeah, you're his property.
Scientifically speaking, women are nurturing. So if we make our men upset, we try our best to console them. Being overly nice; cooking, cleaning, having sex with them. Even if it feels horrible. We're expected to make them feel like men. Nothing's wrong with that, but can we be in a relationship first? Ladies wake up! Stop giving these guys the milk, before they buy the cow. Take things slow. Make him earn you. That way he's not only happy, but you'll also have his respect.
Communication in relationships should be like tennis. It should go back and forth consistently. Every time you contact your mate, it's like putting the ball in their court. Don't call him three times and send five texts. By doing that you just put eight balls in his court and you have zero. He will see the notifications and think "this bitch is crazy" or something must be really wrong. In most situation, I say one and done. If a man is interested in you, he will see the missed call and return it. Stop forcing these relationships. You can't create love. It's a magical feeling. Something that just feels right. Unexplainable! Ladies, you should keep this saying in mind "men live in the moment and women make moments last forever." So don't grow emotionally attached to one act of chivalry. Let a man show you repeatedly how much he cares for you before you cling to him. We have to play the game too.
So now, indications have been made that you're both into each other, officially dating. The stage of a relationship where two people are really getting to know one another. This is the time when true colors are exposed. Also, the time when a guy starts to flex his male dominance. He has you, so things are different now. He never wants you on your phone, he's starts judging your appearance, etc. It feels like he's trying to mode you into what he believes is a better version of you. Too often I hear men say "you have so much potential." Obviously, I know that. I'll be a great partner when I'm ready. Failing to realize that I'm judging them too. Most of the time I'm not sure if I want to change for a guy. I barely trust them.
Men are vicious! Remember this is my personal opinion. I believe they're natural manipulators with protective instincts. So he's going to protect his heart and provide himself with the tools, such as mental manipulation to use against you. It sounds worse than what it actually is, but it's the truth. Dating is a game and no one wants to lose. As soon as a girl lets her guard down, the guy knows she cares, that's when the cycle begins. And boy, do I hate the cycle.
Dating on and off until a guy decides rather he wants to bang you or the other chick exclusively. Then which ever one of you, he finally chooses is fake happy on Instagram. Although in reality, she's living a fucking nightmare. You know why? Because ladies a title doesn't make a man faithful. Neither does a baby, but that's another conversation. "Girlfriend" is just a label. If your relationship isn't full of trust, honesty, communication, like-mindedness, and love (beyond the bedroom) that label is just a false sense of security.
In closing, I ask that men finally put those mind games to rest. If not, be prepared to get a taste of your own medicine. Women are evolving and we will play you back. The heart is not a toy. These women are not at your disposal. So if you're a weak minded man, that needs to play games, stick with the chick who has daddy issues. "For it will not get better, you cannot do better", because strong minded women will not fall victim to your trickery. She'll beat you at your own game. Are you up for the challenge?