When you meet new people, you are always asked this question: Are you in a relationship? Are you seeing someone?
The translation: are you amazing enough to have a significant other?
What a huge misconception. Does your BFFs not count as amazing enough? Why does it have to be always about your SO? Making one person your whole life is pretty stupid. Haven't you heard the saying don't put all your apples in one basket? And yes, it can be different baskets and your apple will be equally satisfied by both.
Because guess what? There is no debate.
Not because the answer is obvious, but because there is no answer. No one is "more" important. People should not put their relationships on a list of who's most important. Life doesn't work that way.
Do people actually do that? What are you, in high school? People aren't meant to be defined by a list of who's more important and who's not. Not only is that damaging to them, but it is a horrible mindset to have. The reality is each relationship you have, platonic or romantic, is different and you have to give each the respect it deserves.
If you can't share your whole self with your BFF, damn, you got to get a new one. (No, seriously). I am truly sorry for you if you take your BFFs for granted or vice versa. That must suck. I hope you get well soon.
Note that I'm not talking about a friend, which is vastly different and depends on the degree of closeness with them, but a BFF, Best Friend Forever? If you call them your BFF, you should be able to talk to them about anything and be comfortable with their quirks.
Relationships, both platonic and romantic, build from years of trust, communication, and respect. Notice that both relationships have a common base because guess what, these two types of relationships intersect a lot.
Our society is rampant with the goal of settling down, finding your one true love, and filling your life with romance at every stitch. Nearly every movie, every show, and book, all focus on romance. It's all about getting that one person who just gets you. Your "Mr/Mrs. Right." And I can't blame you, we are all obsessed with romance because of society.
But just because you have romantic feelings for one person doesn't make your platonic feelings for another less important. Both are equally important.
And guess what not being in a relationship? Doesn't mean shit. You aren't less, or more. But not having those BFFs? I wouldn't have survived my high school years or become who I am today because of them.
You aren't "more" than friends if you are dating a person. You are dating them, but they aren't more than your friends.
Moreover, this brings so much pressure to be the most emotionally available person to your SO. Imagine trying to be everything your SO ever needed. That sounds exhausting. Stop the notion that your SO is inherently better than your BFFs just because you presume romantic love is somehow deeper than platonic love.
The point is that you should be lucky to have your BFF as much as you feel lucky to have your SO.