You would think that if someone couldn't take care of themselves, they wouldn't be able to take care of anything else. However, you would be wrong in that aspect. Taking care of my plants has become my own self-care and has kept me going through this entire first year of college.
No matter how bad my life was at the time, I still had my plants to keep me company and help me through the bad times. It was just so relaxing to take care of them. If I needed to escape from the college life, I would just work on keeping my plants in the best condition they could be.
What I'm saying is that you need to center yourself around something just for when you're not doing so great in the world. Whether it be focusing on music or taking care of plants, that one simple thing can hopefully keep you from hurting yourself in any way. It's the little things that get you through life.
I have so many plants now that I can spend hours taking care of them and I'd do it in short bursts between classes so that I could calm down between them. It helped me better than any of those mediation things and self care book ever did. It was because I was passionate enough for the activity to help.
I'm writing this article as my last week of classes comes to a close and finals peek over the horizon and I am glad that I have my plant with me for this extremely stressful time in my life. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without my plants being here with me, but luckily I never have to deal with it as a reality.