Hello everyone! Spring Break season is here! Chances are if you're in college right now, your spring break is either this week or next week. It's crazy to think about how fast time goes by. It feels like the spring semester just started not too long ago yet here we are. I hope everyone has a nice, fun, and safe spring break!
With that said, what do you have planned for spring break? Every year I realize more and more that it's important to plan out your spring break. If you don't, then you'll probably end up with an extreme case of FOMO (fear of missing out)! You could plan a trip with friends or family, visit a friends or family, look into an alternative spring break program, and more. It might be too late to plan these things now for this spring break but think about it some time before your next spring break.
Of course you can always opt to just go home and relax or picking up some extra shifts at your job if a vacation isn't in the cards for you this spring break. That's perfectly fine! I don't know about you but I have social media and seeing people getting ready for their trips makes me so jealous! I mean I'm typing this as there's some crazy nor'easter going on outside. A getaway from here would be nice.
Although I'm not going anywhere for spring break, I sort of have ideas for what I'm going to be doing which I completely recommend! Plan out your spring break even if you're not going on a trip. Maybe because I'm a planner and I always like to have some type of plan, it just feels better planning out all of free time I'm going to have for this whole week. I don't want to end up being too bored during my break and wish I planned to go somewhere so it's better that I do productive things and catch up with my friends that I haven't really been able to see during the semester. Don't get me wrong though, I love sleeping in and binge watching shows even though these are not the most productive things to do. I think it's good to have a balance though. After all, you are on a break! Make sure you do something you usually don't get to do during a busy week in the semester. Go watch that movie everyone is talking about, go to that restaurant you've always wanted to try. Most importantly, take some time for yourself. Self-care is essential and we don't always have the time to do it during the semester even though we should always make time for it. I have some friends traveling during spring break and I'm excited to hear all about trips. Hopefully that will be me next spring break. I'm clearly trying to speak it into existence haha.