With graduation shortly approaching, I'm sure you've been asked this question multiple times: "What are your plans after graduation?" Most students who were highly active in college and participated in multiple clubs already have a job lined up for after graduation. They know their exact plan and how it's going to go. For the rest of the students though who are asked that question, they simply don't know...and that's OK.
Graduating from college is a big milestone in life. This is the time when you begin to do things on your own and become an adult. For most people, this can be a scary feeling. All we've ever known in life is going to school and having a part-time job, and now with graduating, our yearly routine is about to change. We are about to get a full-time job and work the rest of our lives, and we won't have to worry about cramming for last minute finals anymore.
It's OK to not know what you want to do after graduation. Some students didn't participate in clubs or organizations because they were busy trying to make money to attend college. Once you graduate, it might take some time to figure out where you want to live and what you want to do. After you figure that out, then it's the process of applying for different jobs and then playing the waiting game. Do you have to rush and start working your full-time career job the day after you graduate? No, not necessarily.
Students feel pressured to have a job lined up for them straight out of college, that they forget they have a say in what job they work in. Instead, they take the first job that comes their way and later, find out it's not perfect. Take the time to do your research about the company to decide if that's going to be a good fit for you.
If you want to take a month or so to figure things out after graduation, then you have the ability to do that. Don't feel pressured to have a job lined up for you. Just because that 4.0 active college student has a job lined up for them, doesn't mean you are anything less. It means you are taking your time to assure that you will work with a company that's a perfect fit for you.
So if your plans after graduation are unknown, that's OK. Most importantly though, just remember this is your time! You are about to walk across that stage and receive that fake diploma with pride. You went through a miserable four to five years in college. You had some good classes and bad, you failed a few and passed most and you made friendships that will last a lifetime. You are the one that put in the hard work to get where you are now, so if you have to take a little extra time to decide what you want to do, that's OK.
Congratulations to all the seniors at Murray State University graduating next weekend. Whether you have plans after graduation or not, I wish you a lifetime of happiness. You made it to the end and you're finally done. Just remember: Once a Racer, always a Racer!