I am the type of person to plan everything. Today, next week, next month, yup got it all figured out. I even have parts of my future planned out. I'm going to graduate college spring of 2019, find a teaching job, get 2 bull dogs named Lucy and Lenny, make them Instagram famous, and have a cute family that takes fall family pictures wearing flannels at a pumpkin patch. Well, that's the plan anyways.
The funny thing is, I have no idea if any of this is actually going to happen. Plans change as many times as I change my outfit. Sure it's stressful and doesn't go exactly as you hope, but at the end of the chaos and struggle, you find your perfect outfit.
The older I get and the more I learn about my relationship with God, the more I am loosing my grip on my plans and seeing where God and life takes me. I don't want to miss out on life's spontaneous moments because it wasn't in "the plan". Sure I can plan out stuff that I know is going to happen, like that test I should be studying for right now, but the future, that I am challenging myself to give to God.
One day I came across a verse that opened my eyes. Ephesians 3:20 says "God has more in store for you than you can even imagine." Knowing some things didn't work out stinks, but knowing it didn't work out for a bigger, better plan that is waiting for you, now that is something to look forward to. God knows where I should be and has a purpose for me. He knows best, so why wouldn't I follow Him?
Yes, I will continue to use my precious planner and stay organized and name my future dogs, but the plan? That I will leave in God's agenda.