Honestly, planning everything throughout your life sucks. I've done it and it had ultimately lead to disappointment or had actually worked out. It's frustrating living life like that.
What I have learned through these last few months of my 19 years on this planet is that planning for everything is not realistic and leads to overwhelming expectations that can't be met in some cases.
Examples of life's spontaneity are when you just stub your two and then later find a dollar in your sweatpants pocket.
You honestly didn't plan to buy a 99-cent coke from the machine today but you had a dollar. And does your foot hurt from working all day and should you go to the hospital to see if your toe is broken maybe?
Though I am really young and have only been through a small sliver of life I've seen/heard a lot of things that give me many different perspectives.
Sometimes it's better to just sit back and see how life unfolds in some cases it may be good or bad. As people, we take the good and the bad and just roll with it.
Though at first, it may be difficult to start just letting things go, trust me I know.
According to Inc.com, it's important to manage your stress but also develop positive and healthy affirmations.
The point of this article is to show how unpredictable life can be and it really happens to everyone . things do go out of sync and that's perfectly okay.
As Ariana Grande would say "just keep on breathin'" because things will get better and things won't go as planned all the time and once you realize that you will be more content and know what to expect and don't let one miss hap ruin your day.
Starting a day with a bad attitude can lead to a bad week, a bad month or even year. This sort of funk can set things totally off the rails and no one wants to live life like that.
Perspective is the most important thing a person can have within themselves and perspective allows us to see things from different point of views and different struggles and successes.
If someone were to plan every second of their day it could lead an overwhelming feeling of being trapped within the schedule. Sometimes having little bumps down the road are good things to distract you from the daily stresses of life. being productive is important and setting time for work and events is important but it is also important to find time to enjoy life and relax.
Sometimes you have no idea what you may be doing that day and that's okay because some of the best things that happen in life aren't planned to a T. yes, is it important to prepare for some things, like a big meeting absolutely but what the point I am attempting to make is to enjoy the little surprises life has to offer.