This one is for all those vacation planners that absolutely dread planning.
1. Family size confirmation
This inevitably messes with everything else. I have a huge family and the family trip can range anywhere from ten to twenty or more people. Finding the right house for our amount is nearly impossible.
2. Budgeting
You may get confirmation from twenty people but now you have to create a budget plan. Your perfect home may be a little much from other people attending.
3. Rides
Of course you can never fix one problem without another one inevitably arising. People have confirmed but now they are worried about how they will get there. So now you have to figure out a way to fit twenty people in three vehicles. It is going to be a hassle.
4. Money to reserve
You have finally found the perfect home but now you need everyone to give you money to put aside the reservation. Suddenly, no one has the money right now and you just have to pray that house will be there by the following week.
5. Last minute cancelling
It is finally time to reserve the home but now people have started to cancel on you. Now what? Well you either start over or see if you can find anyone else to go with you all last minute to make up for the difference. Good luck!
6. Complaints
No matter how much effort you are putting towards this you will always have someone that complains. Get ready for it.
7. Final decisions
If there is more than ten people going, I am already feeling sorry for you when it comes to this. Reaching a final decision is nearly impossible. They either don't wanna ride with that person or they don't like the house, etc.
8. Accomodations
Let's say everyone wants a room or they want the house by the beach or lake. Maybe they even want the house to be next to a Wal-Mart. Well now you have got to accomodate everyone because if you dont, the whole trip may go straight into the trash.
9. Extra reservation fees
You may have added about $100 for fees when reserving the home but now you are at the subtotal page and its a hundred dollars more than you expected. Get ready, the tears are coming. Call everyone and see if they are willing to pay more per person. Whatever you do, please try not to pay out of pocket.
10. You are always gonna be the asshole
It is impossible to please everyone. Someone will complain about the location while another one nags about the extra fees. No matter how hard you try this will always fall back on you. It will always be your fault. You will be the annoying one who calls them everyday for money or doesn't choose a great location or completely messes it up. Be that asshole. They love to complain but ultimately they know that if you stop looking for a place, there is no vacation and everyone needs a vacation.
So if you are planning a family vacation all I have to say to you is good luck, asshole.