You know it's Christmas when the radio stations change to all of your favorite holiday tunes, the air is still, and stores have the best sales. With all my favorite things from Christmas happening my least favorite probably has to be when I have to go to another same old boring Christmas party that I get invited to every year. Here are some Christmas party ideas so that you won't have another sad Christmas party.
The Theme:
Technically Christmas is a theme itself but you can make it more exciting and create a theme that goes alone with the holiday. Base the party after a movie like “Elf” or “The Grinch” and have the décor represent those movies. If you want to go old school do an Ugly Sweater party and you can have a competition and the ugliest sweater winner gets to wear a sash around all night.
Food and Drinks:
Have the best of the best out for everyone to enjoy, food really is always the best part of most things in life. Create exciting deserts like cake pops, chocolate dipped fruit and have everyone chip in for making main dishes. There are so many fun flavors that we only see in the winter like peppermint mocha. You can have a hot cocoa bar and coffee bar to keep the energy going.
Create a really upbeat and festive playlist for your party. Put on classics on there but also some songs that everyone can dance to. Also, have some type of activity that everyone can be a part of like cookie decorating or ornament making. If you are planning on a low key night Christmas movies are always a great options.
Again there are so many awesome classic games that you can play with your friends. One new game that I want to encourage everyone to play this year and the next year is the “Seran Wrap Ball Game”. This game is so much and interesting, all you need is a bunch of random items like candy, pens, CDs, socks and anything you can think of. You wrap all the items into one huge ball made out of seran wrap and have your friends sit in a circle. Then, give the ball to one person and have the person next to them roll some dices until they get to the number 7. While one person is trying to get the lucky number the other person with the ball is unwrapping it individually and winning prizes as they fall out. This is just so much fun because everyone wins for the most part and its not that pricy.
These are just some easy creative ideas that can make your next Christmas party really fun and get everyone excited for next years.