Everyone always makes a New Year's resolution but not as many people follow through with them. I am getting a head start on making mine because it actually is something that I want to change by the time next semester starts, so why not give myself the push and make it my resolution.
My New Year's resolution is to be more of myself. For many years, I repressed the loud and extrovert side of my personality; to an extent, I am still doing it while in college. I only repress it when I am around people that have not known me for long periods of time. Some friends back home know my true personality and my family knows, but for the most people, I hide some of who I am. I've let this facade slip some while I've been in college, but the walls are not as lowered as they should be.
The resolution is to show people who I am really am. This is something that I have gotten better at, especially after I wrote about my journey with depression and published it for everyone to see. However, I feel myself shying away and hiding in certain instances, and that is something I am tired of doing. I know who I am, and I will not, and should not change who I am.
If there is one thing this past semester has taught me, it's that I have true friends that like me for me. I don't have to hide from them, so I shouldn't be hiding part of who I am from or myself. I am determined to make 2017 a good year for me. It's time I finish what I started, let go of my past and become who I really am.