Alright, let's talk about something that I am continuously asked about by my couples.
Kids at weddings.
I know, I know, it almost seems like taboo to even discuss, but this is a real situation and people do have real questions about it.
So, what's my take? I'd like to start by saying that if you feel that you will enjoy your big day with much more peace without kids, then go for it! This does not necessarily mean you have to exclude your friends with children, or make them feel funny for having children. It just opens the door for ways to avoid.
First, when addressing the Save the Dates and Invitations only put the names of the guests. For example, "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith" not "The Smith Family".
So, what do you do if you receive and RSVP or even a text asking if the kids are invited? Just be honest. Say that you are wanting the wedding to be a nice evening for the adults. Now, don't lose a friendship over this and have an understanding heart...if your friend has a newborn, there's a solid chance that baby will be a guest.
That being said, a little PSA to those with little ones that may cause a scene...keep them under control. Just because you're at a wedding with a ton of people, does not mean each other those people want to be your babysitter that night!
What do you do if you feel push back? Explore the option of hiring a sitter or two for that night and asking your venue or hotel for space for them. Make it fun. Order pizza, have snacks, and tons of activities for a variety of may even find some adult guests there having a grand ole' time!
Bottom line, set the tone, create options, and just be understanding.
I promise, even if a newborn is in attendance, you will still have a wonderful wedding!