Some people have to plan every detail of their lives. This takes the spontaneity out of things and may limit what can become of them. Not all of these planners are scared of the unknown; they just prefer to be in control. These are the same people who are never impulsive or let emotions dictate their choices. These are the people that think of how a decision will affect them in 10 years. However, you don't always have to plan every detail.
Whether it's letting someone else choose what you're eating for dinner or a spur of the moment decision to travel across the country, being spontaneous will benefit you. If you want to live a happy and carefree life, you have to stop planning and start doing. Saying "yes" with enthusiasm instead of "no" with fear will benefit you. Breaking the habit of letting fear dictate a decision brings about endless possibilities. Instead of living, you can exist and be carefree. While it is difficult to make a planner spontaneous, it is possible. A lifetime is very short and goes by in the blink of an eye, so those who think and plan may miss what could be invaluable experiences.
To get out of your comfort zone is to live your best life. Poor planning can lead to many successes along the way. In contrast, being the planner for a group of friends can inhibit you from having a good time. Not only are you responsible for planning your own things, people also start to ask you to plan their lives as well. Embracing uncertainty is less work and more fun. Those who are happier and easy going tend to have less stress.
Selecting changeable behavior and breaking these routines you are accustomed to help you live spontaneously. The rush you get from being spontaneous is like no other. By being spontaneous you are more susceptible to success and achieving your goals, whether they are academic or financial. You don't need a plan to achieve goals; spontaneity gives you the means to achieve these goals. The opportunities you get by being spontaneous will make you never want to plan again.
Drop your calendar, agenda book, or phone and start living in the moment.