With all of the issues that are going in today's world, climate change has taken a place on the backburner. Our planet is suffering because of the fossil fuels that we fill our atmosphere with and the trees and forests that we wipe out. We need to begin working together to focus on how much our planet needs us, and how much we need each other.
First, take a look at what is happening.
It is evident that something is amiss here. In the last 400,000 years, the carbon dioxide levels have never been as high as they are today. As one of the four main greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide is a leading attribute to the warming of our globe and as the levels of the gas rise, the more heat that gets trapped within the atmosphere and absorbed into the Earth's surface. The more heat that remains on Earth, the higher the surface temperature gets, which can result in one of our biggest problems, the melting of polar ice.
The biggest threat that climate change poses is the polar ice melt. According to climate.nasa.gov, global sea level tracking became reliable in 1880, and since then, it has raised over 8 inches. 8 inches may not seem like a lot, but when you consider how many of the world's largest cities reside at sea level, that number can be detrimental. With increasing surface temperature, the number is expected to rise. By the year 2100, it is expected that the oceans will rise by at least 3-6 feet and if nothing is done, our world will be forever changed.
Second, take a look as to why this is happening.
Deforestation. Humans take in oxygen and produce carbon dioxide and plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. It's a cycle, and one that we cannot live without. As the population continues to grow, more space is required and much of that space comes from our planet's forests. With fewer trees, the carbon dioxide is building up because nothing is being absorbed and not only is this a fundamental global warming issue, but it also causes the loss of habitat for animals, which can lead to their extinction.
The burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are natural fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas that have formed from organisms over the past thousands of years. The use of these through vehicles, factories, electricity and many other things all contribute to the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, such as methane and water vapor, that are being pumped into the atmosphere. The fuels that we use put over 21.3 billions tons of carbon dioxide into the air every single year and the amount of plants that are left can only absorb half that amount. It's a cycle, and not a good one.
There are many attributes that are causing global warming; deforestation and the burning of the fossil fuels are the most relevant and, ironically, some of the most preventable.
Third, what can you do?
The problems that we face due to our overheating planet can seem too severe to do anything about, but that is wrong. There are little things that we can do every day and even just one individual can change the world and reverse the clock of climate change. You can advocate for a better world. As social animals, humans follow examples, and just one person working toward a better future can inspire millions. You can walk more; by walking, you are reducing the amount of fossil fuels that are put into the atmosphere. You can use less electricity, you can use less gas, you can buy fewer paper products. By paying attention to the cries of our planet Earth, you, and you alone, can be the change you wish to see in the world.
Our generation is the one who can combat the climate change that is such an imminent threat. Working together for a better future can seem like a daunting task, but it can all start with you. We live in a world where we are not allowed to dream because we are told that dreams don't come true. But I dream of a world where Greenland is not melting as we speak and glaciers are more than just a myth. A world where you can live anywhere and not have air advisories because of the pollution. Climate change and global warming need to be at the forefront of our conversations, and we need to start working harder to save our planet.
Lastly, take a look at these empowering ads.
"There is no Planet B."
Check out the documentary that inspired my article: