Airplane Fashion, Beauty And Carry-on Essentials | The Odyssey Online
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Airplane Fashion, Beauty And Carry-on Essentials

Because I know you've already watched 50 YouTube videos on this...

Airplane Fashion, Beauty And Carry-on Essentials

Before I even buy my plane ticket, I plan what I will wear and what I will bring on the plane. I will probably watch about 20 YouTube videos and vlogs to figure it out what the best options are. Over the years, I have found things that work really well for me. Now, I want to share with you.


I like to stay comfortable and simple while on my flight. I try to stay away from jeans and anything that will cut into my skin.

1. Sorority T-Shirt

I usually opt for a sorority t-shirt because I own so many and they are super comfy. Many of them are also very stylish. It doesn't necessarily have to be a sorority t-shirt; It can really be any t-shirt that makes you feel comfortable.

2. Utility Jacket or Cardigan


I feel that these items are a staple in every girl's closet, but I especially love them for traveling. They're so comfy and can keep you warm if it's cold on the plane, in the airport or wherever you're going when you're off the plane. Not to mention, these are so easy to stuff in your carry-on if you get too warm. You could also use them to cuddle or use as a blanket if you want to nap on the plane.

3. Leggings

Every girl owns at least one pair of leggings except me. I have at least 20 pairs of leggings. I think these are perfect for travel because you get the comfort of sweatpants in a more stylish form. You can wear literally any color, but I prefer black because they are so versatile and could be very useful when you get where you're going.

4. Combat/lace up Boots

I love these so much, and I really love the pair that I have because they zip up the side so they are easy to slip off while going through security. They're so fashionable, and, if you planned on taking them with you to wear with an outfit in your suitcase, you don't have to worry about the boots taking up too much room in your suitcase because they'll be on your feet.

Beauty and Hair

It is very rare that I will wear makeup while traveling, but when I do, I try to make myself look like a fully functioning adult when I'm really running on about three hours of sleep. I keep it simpler than I would wear to school or work, but I do like to look put together.

1. Concealer

I use concealer literally everywhere. Under the eyes (because those bags are designer), on my trouble spots (acne, sun damage and redness) and on my eyelids because those veins are way too dark. I usually blend it out either with my beauty blender sponge or my fingers.

2. Pressed Powder

After I am done applying concealer, I use a fluffy powder brush to dust the powder all over my face. When I'm done doing that, I use my damp beauty blender and apply to places that need a little more help (ex. under the eyes, on the chin and around the nose).

3. A Brightly Colored Blush

Blush is easily one of my favorite makeup products. When you're trying to look put together and like you aren't a zombie, a bright blush is crucial. It makes your skin look youthful, which makes you look more awake as well.

4. Brow Pencil and Gel

I refuse to leave my house without Instagram perfect brows (#onfleek). In order to get my brows to look their best, I fill them in with a brow pencil which doesn't take much time because my brows are pretty full. Then I set them with a brow gel or clear mascara so they don't budge.

5. Mascara

Mascara can completely change your face. In order to achieve a wide awake look, I curl my lashes a few times and apply several coats of mascara.

6. Lip Balm

When traveling, I like to make sure my lips are super moisturized. Chapped lips are not okay. I usually do not bother putting lipstick on because it'll slide all over my face when I decide to nap on the plane. Lip balm is the way to go because you can easily throw it in your carry-on bag.

7. Hair

As far as hair goes, I usually go for a messy bun. It's casual, cute and super easy to do.

Carry-on Essentials

Sitting on a plane can be so boring and tiring, so I like to have my carry-on bag stocked with stuff for me to do while on the plane.

1. Carry-on Bag

When choosing a bag to bring on the plane, I try to pick the bag that is big enough to hold my stuff, but small enough to fit under the seat in front of me. My normal backpack for school is absolutely perfect and fits both criteria.

2. Laptop

My laptop is one of the most important things in my bag. I can do almost anything on it. I can work on school or articles. I can also bring along some DVDs and watch those on the plane. I could not survive traveling without my laptop.

3. Snacks

I absolutely need food when I am traveling. I pack a bunch of different snacks because I never know exactly what I want. I usually just get a drink in the airport or on the plane.

4. Phone

My phone goes absolutely everywhere with me, but in the airport it is so much easier to put my phone in my bag. I use my phone for a multitude of things. I listen to music, play games and watch TV shows I bought from the iTunes store.

5. Earbuds

I absolutely cannot travel without earbuds. Is there a crying kid sitting behind you? Try earbuds and music. Are people being too loud while you're trying to sleep? Try earbuds and music. Plus, people don't really like when you play your music and movies out loud for the whole plane to hear.

6. Kindle

I always bring my Kindle everywhere I go. It holds so many books so I don't have to waste bag space on paper. It also has games and other random apps just in case I get really bored.

In addition to these items, I usually have hand lotion, a mirror, my keys, my wallet, gum and the chargers for all of my electronic devices. Hope these tips help you!

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