Meet my, technically my brother's, cat. A gorgeous orange tabby, appropriately named Simba.
Now that I'm away for college, I love coming home and seeing this ginger devil. It's the highlight of my trips. I like to think he misses me, but he's a cat. He's an evil cupcake. Sometimes, he likes to hide from me when I'm home, and anyone out there who is a cat owner can probably relate to the annoying voyage that you have to go on to find them. You probably also look in all of these 10 places:
1. Up the Christmas tree
I'm certain *every* cat owner knows the struggle of trying to avoid letting the cat climb the tree. Broken ornaments, the lights get all tangled, the star almost falls's a hilarious, yet stressful predicament.
2. In the laundry basket
Oh, you just washed your clothes? Let me just get my fur EVERYWHERE for you.
3. Under the guest room bed — the one no one ever uses
Anyone else ever check under that bed, and they don't see the cat at first? So they look around again, only to see them the second time around? No? Just me? OK.
4. In a box, or a plastic bag
My cat will bolt into them, start to chew them up, and then he gets really mad when I try to pull him out so he doesn't, ya know, DIE from choking on plastic and cardboard.
5. In the cupboard
I know they like to be up high off the ground... but HOW did you get up there?
6. Behind the curtains
I always know he's there when I can see his tail peeking out from under them.
7. On the dining room table
Seriously? We eat there.
8. Sitting in the dining room chairs
I like to put plates and silverware out to make it look like he's waiting for his dinner.
9. Behind or under the couch
Why are you under the couch when you know you have a permanent indent on it from where you usually sit?
10. Stuck on the porch, or in the garage
Can't leave any doors open when you have a cat, even when you're just unpacking groceries. They will slip out right under your nose.
Personally, I've found Simba in each and every one of these places. He likes to think he runs the household.
I'm sure if you're a cat owner you can relate, so I wanna reach out to all the cat owners out there and ask you — where's the weirdest place you've found your cat?