I have always loved traveling and to say the least, I want to travel many different places in the world throughout my life. I have already traveled some places and I absolutely loved it, I cannot wait to continue my travels. Here are some of the places I would love to go to in the future. As you can see, I clearly have a love for seeing new places and doing some different things. I really hope that one day I can actually visit all of these places and see the things that I long to see.
Montana, USA
I don't know what exactly it is that draws me to Montana, but I used to want to move to Montana. I just have always loved the idea of going to Montana. Mountains are beautiful to me and I love the country and animals, especially horses. I guess I just feel that Montana would be beautiful and it would be a good place to have horses.
Alaska, USA
Alaska seems like an amazing place to me. I think everything about Alaska would be unique and I would love to spend some time there one day. I'm not much for hunting, although I don't mind fishing, I just think it would be a great place to see one day.
Paris, France
I love how unique different places are, different countries yes, but different places around the world are just something I'm drawn to. I love to see how people in other places live, I love to see beautiful sights and sceneries. There's nothing I would love more than to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower.
Glasgow, Scotland
Before I met one of my closest friends on Tumblr, I hardly knew that this was a place on the map. But in talking to her, I would love to go to Glasgow. Not only would I love to go to Glasgow so that I could finally meet one of my closest friends, but I think that the culture and everything is so different there compared to where I live in Michigan. I just think it would be an amazing thing to see.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Again, I have a thing for mountains. I just think it would be so beautiful to be somewhere in the mountains with the snow. Who hasn't dreamed of seeing something so beautiful? All I can say is that I have.
Aspen, Colorado
I feel that Aspen would also be another beautiful place like Salt Lake City, but my reasoning behind wanting to go to Aspen is a little bit different. I love watching the X Games in the winter, which are held in Aspen, Colorado. I want to go to Aspen to see the X Games one day.
Iceland (northern lights igloo)
I want to go to Iceland to see the northern lights in some igloos that are just amazing to me. I think that not only seeing igloos like this and staying in them would be amazing. And to see the northern lights while staying in them which would be ten times more amazing and beautiful.
London, England
England seems like it would be one of my favorite places. I love the idea of visiting England one day. However, I really want to go to London, England on New Years Eve to see the fireworks and the celebration that is held in London.