8 Places To Visit In Boston | The Odyssey Online
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8 Places To Visit In Boston

Come see where history was made.

8 Places To Visit In Boston

Boston is Massachusetts' capital and largest city and played an important role in the American Revolution. It is full of history, but even for people who do not enjoy history, Boston is still a fun place to visit and explore. It is easy to get around Boston by taking the MBTA train which comes every few minutes and will take you many places, or everything is pretty close so that you could walk. Here are some of the best places to go when visiting Boston.

Fenway Park

Fenway Park is the oldest ballpark in Major League Baseball and home to the Boston Red Sox. It is famous for the Green Monster, the nickname for the 37-foot left field wall in the park. Fenway Park is also famous for its appearance in the 1989 film, "Field of Dreams."

Boston Common

Boston Common is the starting point of the Freedom Trail and is the oldest park in the country. The park has lots of grass where you can go on a picnic to people watch or watch the baby ducks. There is a statue of the ducklings from Robert McCloskey's children's book, "Make Way for Ducklings."

Granary Burying Ground

The Granary Burying Ground contains approximately 2,345 gravestones and tombs. Some notable people buried here are Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere, and James Otis. In the center of the ground, there is a 25-foot tomb that commemorates Benjamin Franklin's parents.

Boston Massacre Site

In front of the Old State House, there is a circle of cobblestone which commemorates the Boston Massacre. This is the site where tension between the colonists and British soldiers erupted into violence on March 5, 1770.

Faneuil Hall

Faneuil Hall has served as a marketplace and meeting hall since 1742. Speeches by Samuel Adams and other patriots were given at Faneuil Hall. Today, the first floor of Faneuil Hall is used as a marketplace with many different types of food are sold including pizza, Chinese, and New England clam chowder. The second floor is used as a meeting hall where Boston City debates are held.

Paul Revere's House

Built in 1680, this house is the oldest building in Downtown Boston. It served as the home for Paul Revere and his family from 1770 to 1800. You can visit the historical site and learn more about the life of Paul Revere and where he lived.

Mike's Pastry

Mike's Pastry is known for their cannoli. There are 20 different types of cannoli fillings to choose from such as hazelnut, Oreo, and amaretto. In the area you see many people carrying Mike's Pastry boxes and have to check the place out yourself. Mike's Pastry is so well-known in the Boston area that there are lines out the door to get some yummy treats.

Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum

At the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum you not only learn about the Boston Tea Party that escalated into the American Revolution, but you can also re-enact the Boston Tea Party by dumping tea overboard just like the Sons of Liberty did on December 16, 1773.

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