7. Arctic Circle, Norway | The Odyssey Online
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10 Beautiful Places You Should Add To Your Bucket List To Visit

There is really more to the world than meets the eye.

best bucket list vacations

If you are like someone like me that loves to experience new cultures and places, travelling places is probably on your bucket list. I found these beautiful cities with alluring landscapes, and diverse cultures, and I decided to share it.

1. Santorini, Greece

Santorini is one of the most aesthetically pleasing cities in the world. Its also an island in Greece and has white washed buildings that are perfect for Instagram-worthy pictures.

2. Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates and is also an island found on the Arab gulf. One of the main attractions of this city are the amazingly tall towers and the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, which is one of the largest mosques in the world.

3. Bali, Indonesia

Bali is popular for its volcanic mountains, beaches and coral reefs. It is also an island filled with laid-back resorts that focuses on yoga and meditation retreats. And if you are big on surfing, Bali offers one of the most exciting surf spots the world has to offer.

4. Seoul, South Korea

If you want to see what the world will be like in a hundred years time, Seoul is the city to go. It is the capital of South Korea and one of the busiest metropolitan cities in the world. Some of its notable attractions includes futuristic design plazas, a rooftop park and a convention hall with curving architecture.

5. Accra, Ghana

Accra is one of the cities in Africa with cultural and political tourist attractions. Some of these attractions are the Kwame Nkrumah Park, the National Museum of Ghana and Slave castles which depicts how African slaves where kept and transported to other continents.

6. Zanzibar, Tanzania

Few places contain the sandy beaches, turquoise water and exotic sea animals like Zanzibar has. You can snorkel in ocean to view the beautiful sea animals up close and later settle down to view the beautiful orangey sun set later in the evening.

7. Arctic Circle, Norway

Norway might be close to the North Pole but that doesn't mean there isn't anything worth seeing over there. You can experience a place where the literally never sets and view the rustic mountains and blueish lakes that are found all around the city.

8. Bridgetown, Barbados

Almost all the countries in the Carribean boasts of beautiful beaches and colorful culture, but in Bridgetown you also get to view the pretty horse race tracks. And if you are also lucky enough and you visit at the right time, you can see how Carribeans party, carnival-style.

9. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Rio De Janeiro is iconic for the Christ the Redeemer statue. It is also famous for having the world's largest carnival festival. It features flamboyant costumes, parade floats and samba dancers. It's a sight to see if you ever visit at the right time.

10. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen is one of the best cities to visit in 2019. One of its popular attractions is the Tivoli garden which a 19th-century themed park. The city is also a coastal island and it features a water front which houses bars and outdoor cafes where you could sit with friends while admiring the old wooden ships that are still moored.

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