For me, I like pretty places to study, and quiet ones at that. A perk of going to CofC is that we have this gorgeous city at our fingertips to explore and read and study in whenever we'd like. I've found a few select places to go, and I figured that I'd share a few with you.
Addlestone Library
Here's the thing, I don't actually like studying in libraries, I hate being around crowds of other people while I'm studying. I don't like big study rooms with a bunch of people because I get distracted and I'm terrified of my phone going off or coughing in a public place. BUT Addlestone's private study rooms are probably my ideal place to study because they have a window with a view, but are disconnected from everyone else. They also force you to get out of your room and away from distractions.
Cistern Yard
Now, while this one is gorgeous, I do implore you to bring bug spray if you can. Any of the outdoor locations in Charleston will make you need bug spray and it's just a good idea in general in coastal cities. The Cistern is the top spot if you like studying outside and you'll usually run into someone you know there, or at the very least see a plethora of cute dogs.
One of the science buildings
You can study in any of the CofC buildings, but the science buildings have notoriously good views and they make me want to study. There's something about being around a bunch of STEM majors that forces me to at least look like I'm doing hard work. If you study on the second floor of SSMB, there's fossils and a whole dinosaur exhibit right in front of you.
The marina
This one is a quick walk, but there is a set of benches and swings down by the aquarium that I could sit and write at for hours. That's where I go if I need to focus and write a paper because it gives a lot of focus and inspiration. When I was at the maria, I wrote my final paper for English about Coral Reef Bleaching so the setting was pretty perfect for me.
A King Street coffee shop
If you have a good pair of noise-canceling headphones, I highly recommend finding a coffee shop on King that suits you. There's always something to look out and see if you need a distraction, and its a good place to get comfortable if you have a long afternoon of studying ahead of you.
Of course, these are all suggestions and you don't have to take any of them, but I highly recommend and enjoy the sights that I've mentioned. Whether you're reading or writing or studying, some places will be better than others, but if you go out and experience for yourself you'll find at least one place you can't stop going back to.