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13 Places You Have to See When visiting Michigan

Here are my favorite places after visiting Michigan.

13 Places You Have to See When visiting Michigan
Abigail Read

I was so blessed to be able to visit Michigan with my sister and our best friend. We had a friend in Michigan who was kind enough to let us stay for awhile. There are many places we didn't get to see, but the ones we did see were great! We were in Antrim Michigan and these place weren't too far from there,

1. The little town at Mackinac.

This is a big tourist attraction and a lot of people go there. They don't allow automobiles on the island (except for emergency vehicles) and everything has an old fashioned look and feel to it. It is a beautiful place. There is also the Grand hotel there - which was used during the filming of "Some Where In Time (The movie was kinda weird but the hotel is interesting). You have to get there by riding a ferry.

2. Mackinac Island landscape.

3. Stores and shops.

4. Arriving by ferry.

5. The Grand Hotel.

6. A dune at Sleeping bear dunes.

This might be my favorite, because the trails are so much fun to walk through. The name has an old tale behind it about a mother bear swimming across a Great Lake with her bear cubs who drown because it is too far for them to swim. So, according to the story they reappear as small Islands next to the land the mother bear swims to. The place has dunes to climb up and down with such nice views.

7. Lake Michigan.

8. Me after walking off a trail for a good view.

9. Landscape at Sleeping Bear Dunes.

10. So many trees! Hartwick Pine State Park.

This is a lovely forest. It has trails to walk through and museums. It is a great place to learn about the wildlife in Michigan. Bring bug spray because it can get buggy near the marsh areas.

11. Going on the trails!

12. Hartwick Pine scenery.

13. Trails at Hartwick Pines.

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