5 Places Alabama Students Can Get Pizza From In Ttown, Because Spring Break Bodies Can Wait | The Odyssey Online
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5 Places Alabama Students Can Get Pizza From In Ttown, Because Spring Break Bodies Can Wait

If you're a student from the north, looking for a good slice, you're welcome.

5 Places Alabama Students Can Get Pizza From In Ttown, Because Spring Break Bodies Can Wait

The University of Alabama has thousands of students from the northeast. All are coming from different socioeconomic backgrounds and locations. We wave goodbye to our parents and take a long road trip or flight down below the Mason Dixon line.

However, that's not the only thing we are leaving behind. We can’t forget about the pizza. The classic, thin crust, grease filled slices that may be hard to find down here in the south. So whether you’re looking for a piece of home, or just in the mood for a good slice. Here are five local pizza shops that will satisfy your pizza-loving needs.

1. Little Italy

Open late night and filled with all kinds of greasy treats, this shop will be sure to satisfy any late night craving.

2. Heat Pizza

Take a quick trip to Northport to try a slice from Broadway Pizza. Quick and friendly service for their hungry customers.

4. Newk's

This may come as a surprise to some but its true! Newks serves multiple different kinds that come in a convenient personal size.

5. California Underground Pizza

If you're looking for that a thick crust type of slice, then here you go. Only 10 minutes from campus and great prices!

For those late night cravings of home, take a trip and indulge. Spring break bodies can wait.

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