Leftovers are the gift that keeps on giving. | The Odyssey Online
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I Burn My Mouth On Pizza 9 Out Of 10 Times, I Just Can’t Wait For Perfection

Pizza and perfection both start with a P—coincidence? I think not.

Corrine Harding

Pizza to me is the food from the gods, and honestly, there is hardly anything that can top it in my book. When I eat pizza, I dig right in no matter if I burn my fingers or mouth in the process because you can't rush perfection, but you can rush the amount of pizza that goes into your mouth. To some, pizza is basic, but to the intellectual, pizza is the perfect meal you can have. Need proof? Read these 10 reasons why burning your mouth is 100% worth it for a slice of heaven.

Pizza can be eaten anywhere...

Pizza will be by your side as you travel no matter how near or far. You can even invest in your pizza travels with pizza pouches so you can multi-task while indulging in your fave food while also looking extra saucy.

...And be eaten anytime of day.

Morning person? Breakfast pizza is your food soulmate. Are you a person with a major sweet tooth? Let dessert pizza be your dentist. There is no right or wrong time to eat pizza, and if anyone tells you otherwise, you need to cut them out of your life and call your nearest pizza place.

Leftovers are the gift that keeps on giving.

Leftover fries? Soggy and floppy. Leftover noodles? Blah. Leftover pizza? Seriously deserves an A++++++ for being just as delicious as when it was fresh, whether warmed up or cold.

Pizza is a well-rounded diet.

Trying to live a healthy life? Eat pizza because it is a well-rounded diet. One, there's tomato sauce on it which is a fruit, two, there is cheese so you have dairy, three, the crust has grain, four you can have vegetables on your pizza or add some meat for extra protein. You have just covered so many food types, and then add in the fact that pizza is usually in a circle. So you are definitely living your best life while eating pizza. Want to know why a pizza is a circle? They don't cut corners.

One word: carbs.

Eating pizza is a carb load that can help you fall into a lovely food coma or give you a food baby after eating a little more than you planned. The carbs are worth it in the end because I didn't choose the carb life, the carb life chose me.

Simple math: Pizza = Party

You've never heard of a carrot celebration or a steak soirée, but we've all heard of pizza parties. Whether you are having a party for two or hundreds of people, pizza is always a go-to food to feed everyone because one, pizza is a friend to your wallet, and two, because it can feed the masses. Pizza is honestly a party animal.

Any size of pizza is a personal sized pizza if you just believe in yourself.

Not in a social mood? Order yourself a pizza, no matter how big or small, and treat yourself to a personal pizza. The pizza won't judge ya if you can polish off a large one in one sitting. You just need to have faith in yourself to do it and maybe some Tums later on.

Pizza is always around you.

Not to be creepy, but seriously pizza is always around you. Maybe you have a frozen pizza in your freezer. Or you can make a quick phone call and in less than 10 minutes you can be picking up a freshly baked pizza. Better yet, you can make another phone call and have a pizza delivered to your door in like 30 minutes. Your connection with pizza is probably healthier than most of your relationships.

There is no limit to types of pizza.

I can't even count the number of pizza varieties that are out there. Pizza is the chameleon in the food industry because if you can think of it, there is probably a pizza like it. Pizza is limitless and timeless. This delightful slice of heaven will stand the test of time, while fads like unicorn and rainbow food will die off.

 Pizza brings all walks of life together.

Thick or thin, meat lovers or vegan, gluten-free or all the gluten, pizza is the one symbol in our lives that unifies together one cheesy slice at a time. With the variety of toppings and types of pizza can help feed the pickiest of eaters and even mermaids.

These are the top ten reasons why pizza is the number 1 food people should eat. This might be cheesy, but a pizza of my heart has been stolen from this food. So don't mind me as I burn my mouth 90% of the time while eating pizza because it hurts so good.

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