Have you ever experienced a pivotal moment in your life? A moment, or maybe a time period, where you're on the brink of change?
I'm not talking about a planned change, like college or moving. I'm talking about a change that seems to be sprung on you by the universe. It's like someone took your wheel of fate and spun it, changing your course without any say on your part. The type of change that, try as your might, you can't stop. You're blocked at every angle, cornered by life.
It's like a tidal wave, you can't outrun it and you can't beat it. The worst part is that the change hasn't even occurred yet, but you know it's coming. You live your life in a sense of suspense, unsure of what's to come.
Everything is going to change, but for now, it hasn't.
I believe there are aspects of life beyond our control. Events we are meant to experience, people we are destined to meet. These pivotal moments are the moments where you take the time to look around. You look at your life as it stands today, you look at who you are today, and you try to appreciate it all; because come a few months or years, nothing will be the same.
And the only thing left to do is accept it.