On Sunday, April 3 at 1:05 p.m., the Pittsburgh Pirates, also known as the Buccos or Bucs, will take the field for the first official game of the 2016 Major League Baseball season. This year, the Pirates’ home opener will be against the St. Louis Cardinals. It is sure to be an exciting match up at PNC Park, one of the most beautiful ball parks in America.
In Pittsburgh, baseball season means Pierogie races, Free Shirt Fridays, Zambelli Fireworks and, of course, hearing the whole park roar when number 22 hits one into the river.
All over the Steel City, people are finding ways to celebrate the return of their Bucs and are holding onto the hope that this year will be the year.
Let’s take a look at how Pittsburghers are showing their pride!
On social media, both the @Pirates and @steelers accounts are ready for baseball season to begin! Pittsburgh sports have a unique way of cheering each other on and this gets the city even more excited. Seeing the Steelers wish luck to the Pirates is as Pittsburgh as it gets. Check out the #OpeningDayPNC for more Twitter hype!
You can take the soldier out of Pittsburgh, but you can't take the Pittsburgh out of a soldier! Multinational Battle Group-East Soldiers from around the Pittsburgh area, stationed on Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, took some time to show their support for the Pirates by raising the Jolly Rodger!
Even the newest Pirates fans are all geared out! Babies born this week through Allegheny Health Network and West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh are behind the Pirates and they don't even know it yet.
College students from around Pennsylvania are showing their Pittsburgh Pirates pride in anticipation for Opening Day 2016.
However you are preparing and celebrating, whether you are in Pittsburgh or miles away from it, it is an exciting time for all Pirates fans! Over the next six (hopefully more) months, be sure to head into the city for a game or two! Win or lose, the experience of a baseball game at PNC Park will never be dull, and the memories will last a lifetime.
Happy Opening Day, Pittsburgh, and Let's Go Bucs!